We’ve got a solid schedule of speakers lined up thru May. Please see the list at the bottom of this email for details. We try to zoom these out to cover our huge chapter area – an email near to each date will be sent with a zoom link.
We’re planning on doing a workday building Lunker structures for an upcoming project on Mill Creek – that’ll probably happen sometime in April.
Saturday Fly tying continues at 125Live thru March.
Also, as noted in the newsletter, TUDARE hosts the Driftless Symposium each spring. This year’s is March 11th – 12th. Lately its been held virtually. See the newsletter for details.
If you’d like to be a TiC or volunteer at other MNTU Education events – please print out the form found here, fill it out, and mail it (like with a stamp and envelope!) to the address on the form. That’ll get your background check done, and once you pass, you’ll get added to the roster of possible volunteers. We know its a little bit of a hassle, but it’s what we’re mandated by law to do. So please fill it out and send it in if you’d like to volunteer at our education events.
Upcoming Events:
Fly Tying at 125Live – Restarts 12/30, and running until March 9, 2024- 9 to 11am
Monday, March 4, 7pm 125Live – Chapter Meeting – Mike Toft, Euro Nymphing
Great Waters Expo – March 15-17, Hamline University, St Paul
Monday/Tuesday March 11th/12th – TUDARE’s Driftless Symposium
Monday, April 1, 7pm 125Live – Chapter Meeting – Brian Nerbonne, MNDNR Regional Fisheries Manager
Saturday, April date tbd – Workday building Lunkers on Lower Mill Creek, Chatfield
Monday, May 6, 7pm 125Live – Chapter Meeting – Monta Hayner